Nadbużański Landscape Park is located in central-eastern Mazovia. It stretches along the left bank of the lower Bug River course, from Toczna rivermouth in Drażniew (Korczew municipality) to Liwiec rivermouth near Kamieńczyk (Łochów municipality) as well as along the banks of lower Narew River. It is one of the largest landscape parks in Poland, protecting almost 120 kilometres of Bug River and 40 km of Narew River. Currently, the surface of the Park amounts to 74 136,50 hectares, while counting with the buffor zone, the number increases to 113 671,70 ha.
The Park’s area is characterised by diverse landscape. Its greatest asset is Bug River Valley with the meandering river, numerous oxbows and islands as well as sandy point bars and banks. In addition to open habitats, the Park encompasses some forest complexes – remnants of oldgrowth forests – which cover 36% of the Park’s surface.
The main forest habitat type is pine coniferous forest growing on sandy soils poor in nutrients. Riparian areas are very diverse: sand dunes border upon peatlands while wet riparian forests border upon dry pine coniferous forests. Considerable areas of riparian forest have been preserved. Bug River Valley abounds in gray willow thickets with individuals of Salix starkeana. Small patches are overgrown by oak-hornbeam forest. The most prominent open habitat in the Park are floodplain meadows along Bug River.